When we act in accordance with them success follows. When we ignore or forget them consequences follow
1)It’s all about people.
An hour spent with people is a better investment than an hour spent on systems, processes or people. Great people can overcome average systems. Average people won’t live up to great systems. Action-Spend time with your people every week, understand their strengths and weaknesses. Find out their children’s names. Learn their projects.
2) More communication is better
No matter what the situation, work or home, personal or professional, boss or subordinate, it Is always more communication that solves the problem or clinches the deal. And think about this: communication is what the listener does. Action-pick up the phone, provide an update, admit you are behind
3) You are not that smart, they are not that dumb
You can’t fool people. EVER. The fact is that they know when you mislead them. Yes, they may go along with you. But they know that it doesn’t feel right. That you don’t feel right. After all, didn’t you used to be them. Action-Tell the whole truth, don’t leave anything out, when in doubt, tell everyone. Use candour as an advantage, rather than seeing it as a weakness.
4) Control is an illusion
There is not a single person whom you think you control, who would agree with you. If you think you are so good as to control another, then who in your organization thinks that way about you. Stop trying to control. You are wasting your time. Build relationships that allow you to influence. Action- build relationships based on trust. Say” I trust you”. Let your team choose their path, at times, even when you disagree.
5) The river is wide, the currents messy but all the water ends up in the ocean
Your organization is organic-it’s made up of people. Just like the river. Your projects and timelines are going to be messy and defy control. Stop fighting it. Action-Don’t worry about or punish every deadline, wait for a patter. Sometimes a light touch is the way out, let go ‘flow’ to stay ahead.
6) There are no secrets
What everyone is talking about is what is not being said. Everyone knows everything already. Action-Tell everybody everything Don’t go off the record
7) How you feel is your fault
They did something and you decided how to respond Think about the word responsibility-response ability. You are able to choose your response. Action- Choose the right response. Choose not to get angry Choose to understand why they behave the way they do. Your response will be more powerful
8) The ‘other’ way often works just fine
Your opinion that your way is the right way is routinely controverted. You think your way is night because it is yours. Action – try the other way once in a while. After the first thought, have the second different one.
Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect
– W. Clement Stone –