Coaching principles for coaching success

Believe in Human Potential for Greatness. Fulfilment Flows from Adding Value to Others. Bring Out the Best in People and Let Them Lead…

The Coaching Spirit

  1. Believe in Human Potential for Greatness
  2. Fulfilment Flows from Adding Value to Others
  3. Bring Out the Best in People and Let Them Lead
  4. Use Influence Rather than Position
  5. Thrive on Challenges and Flexibility
  6. When We Grow Others, We Grow Ourselves
  7. A Coach Still Needs a Coach

Relationship and Trust

  1. Maintain Authentic Rapport and Humour
  2. Touch a Heart with Care and Sincerity
  3. Practice Integrity and Build Trust

Asking Questions and Curiosity

  1. Curiosity Ignites Your Spirit
  2. Ask Questions that Empower and Create Buy-In
  3. Avoid Judgmental and Advice-Oriented Questions
  4. Powerful Questions Release Solutions
  5. Asking Great Questions Requires Practice

Listening and Intuition

  1. Listen Rather Than Tell
  2. Be Present and Turn Off Your Inner Dialogue
  3. Avoid Jumping to Premature Conclusions
  4. Be Impartial and Non-judgmental
  5. Listen Deeply, Use Observation and Intuition

Feedback and Awareness

  1. Embrace Feedback to Triumph
  2. Awareness and Acceptance Cultivates Transformation

Suggestions and Simplification

  1. Get Consent before Giving Suggestions
  2. Use the Power of Simplicity

Goals and Action Plans

  1. Establish Goal Ownership and Commitment
  2. Create Strategies and Action Plans for Goals
  3. Keep Score of Goals and Action Steps

Accountability and Accomplishments

  1. Support Goals Completion Continuously
  2. Accountability Drives Accomplishments
  3. Acknowledge Efforts and Progress

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.

– Mark Van Doren –
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