A business novel that solves the mystery of sales success, “The Quadrant Solution drives home the essentials of sales and sales management.
The story is exciting and racy, teaching sales principles that can be very easily translated to any sales organisation. It is quite evident that the book has been developed after researching a large number of sales people, customers and executives.
The ups and downs in an organisation, the market scenario, the culture within, customer profiles are all depicted in a very practical way and we would relate easily to these.
The Quadrant Solution is a framework that has defined four selling and marketing approaches. Also a quick checklist that will enable one to determine which quadrant an organisation and its sales people would need to penetrate their markets. The four quadrants in brief:
Super-Closer Selling
High Tech/Low Touch Marketing
Consultative Selling
High Tech/High Touch Marketing
Relationship Selling
Low-Tech/High-Touch Marketing
Display Selling
Low Tech/Low Touch Market
The Quadrant Solution may not be the complete mantra for your organisation, but it is a very useful management manual nevertheless. Anyone in sales is bound to find the sales principle (so delightfully woven into fiction) valuable-for it is based on the key-stone of selling-Understand your customer, your market and develop approaches that are innovative, result oriented and process driven.
The style is conversational, simple and very enjoyable. It will kindle thought and action. We need more such Business Novels that entertain and add value as well.
If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results
– Jack Dixon –