Drucker on Innovation

Drucker wrote that purposeful innovation, results from analysis, systemic review & hard work and can be taught, replicated and learned. Purposeful, systemic innovation begins with the analysis of opportunities...


Scamper is a checklist of idea-spurring questions. Some of the questions were first suggested by Alex Osbom, a pioneer teacher of creativity. They were later arranged by Bob Eberle Into this mnemonic...

Our Reach should Exceed our Grasp or What Else is Heaven for

Michael Michalko, Edward De Bono, Wujec, Feynmann constantly researched and analysed how geniuses come up with ideas. What is common to the thinking style that produced a Mona Lisa, the Four Seasons, the theory of relativity? What characterised the thinking strategies of Darwin, Ramanujam, Freud, Edison?

Serious Creativity

Lateral thinking is a skill. This is what is associated with De Bono and this book is not any different from his earlier books in terms of conceptual and creative thinking. Possibly it is the only aspect which can tire the reader-the exasperating repetition on the need to use the power of lateral thinking to generate new ideas...

Business Leadership and a creative society

Creativity is generally associated with domains like arts and literature. Business seldom comes under it. But this article, originally published in 1953, raises intriguing questions - Is it possible for business contribute to ushering in a creative society? How can that happen? The answers the article provides to these questions ring as true today as they did almost 70 years ago …

Mental Gymnastic

According to Tom Wujec who promoted the idea of total mental fitness, put it, a good mental exercise is an appointment with yourself. The feature below sums up how mental gymnastics work for you and list out some activities you can try out, setting out 5 thumb rules to follow while exercising the mind...