19 common arguments against change

Neuroscience shows that human brain tends to process any change as something that requires checking for errors, threats or self-protection. It is a throwback to our hunter gatherer days where any new movement could be a predator calling for a fight or flight. This evolutionary behaviour explains why people are resistant change, even if such change is good for them…

Here are 19 common arguments people put forward to stonewall change, a listing that doesn’t seem to have changed in 3 decades and more

  1. We have already tried this
  2. Our company is so special
  3. It is not my job
  4. It is too radical a change
  5. We don’t have the time
  6. Let us do a  market survey first
  7. The employee won’t accept it
  8. We have never done it before
  9. Why should we change anything when we are doing fine
  10. The thought is good but not practical
  11. Let us wait and see what happens
  12. Let us think about it some more
  13. It has never been tried before
  14. Let us set up a committee
  15. May be it works in your department, but it won’t in mine
  16. It is too much trouble to change
  17. Its impossible
  18. We have always done it this way
  19. It won’t work

We are drowning in information and starved for knowledge

– John Naisbitt –
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